: Ruby La Flame

If you say Miz Ruby is a hottie, you're more right than you know. Her past is somewhat of a mystery, but some say she can be traced by a trail of burned buildings and scorched hearts. First there was the orphanage fire in Dublin, then a rash of blazes in the artists' studios in Paris and theaters in New York. The trail went cold for a while until a newspaper article popped up in Texas about a certain senator whose toupee was set on fire by an unnamed woman. Miss Tijuana Trixie, upon reading the article, drove straight into town and bailed this mystery woman out of jail, sensing a common ally in the fight to gain and retain El Rancho Kitty Kitty Bang Bang. Ruby's been at the ranch ever since--once she promised to mend her pyromaniac ways. Now it's Miz Ruby's dancing that makes things hot.


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